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Animal Care and Use
UMass Boston is a teaching and research institution which supports the responsible use of animals in research. UMass Boston holds an Assurance with the Public Health Service that articulates our compliance with all government agencies regulating the use of laboratory animals in research and teaching.
As an institution, we adhere to the belief that the development of knowledge necessary for the improvement of health and well-being of humans, as well as other animals, requires in vivo experimentation with a wide variety of animal species. We are proactively committed to the humane care and use of animals in research as well as the reduction and replacement of animals and the refinement of procedures in both teaching and research wherever possible.
All proposed research and teaching activities involving the use of vertebrate animals requires review and approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). This includes the use of animals housed and maintained in approved university animal facilities as well as studies conducted on vertebrate animals in their natural settings. Once approved by the IACUC, any proposed modifications to an approved protocol require further review and approval by the IACUC prior to implementation.
Apply to the IACUC

Get more info on how to apply to the IACUC.
New Researcher Training
IACUC Protocol Writers Workshop
Time: Thursday November 21st, 2p-4p
Location: Venture Development Center Conference room, 3rd floor Wheatley Building - Snacks provided.
This workshop is designed to provide information on writing protocols for experienced and new writers. So, if it’s a refresher for yourself or you want someone on your team to learn about protocol writing, this workshop aims to address both audiences. There will also be representatives present to address any questions you may have on using the Kuali system.
Registration link:
New Researchers Training
Time: Friday December 13th at 9AM in
Location: ISC 2003.
New researchers only need to attend one of these. Refreshments will be provided!
Registration Link: