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Report a Concern
UMass Boston is dedicated to leading its research in agreement with ethical and legal requirements and to addressing any claims of potential non-compliance. As an employee or student at UMass Boston you have the right to report any potential non-compliant concerns.
Concerns can be routed to:
- Matthew Meyer, Associate Vice Provost for Research and Director of ORSP - (617) 287-5372
If you prefer, you may report your concerns confidentially and anonymously:
- UMass Boston Compliance HelpLine - (866) 415-5124
This phone line has been established to provide a means to anonymously report potential compliance violations or suspected wrongdoing. Callers will be directed to a voicemail system
Examples of activities and operations in which non-compliance may occur include activities such as:
- Research Activities Involving Animals, Hazardous Materials, or Human Subjects
- Scientific Misconduct such as Fabrication, Falsification and Plagiarism
- Fraudulent Use of Federal, State or University Funds
- Safety Laws, Policies and Procedures
- Conflict of Interest and Ethics Laws and Policies
- Activities Subject to Export Control Laws